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Please click the links below to view the Council’s policies. The date refers to the last time the policy was reviewed.


Standing Orders  June 2024

Financial_Regulations – June 2024

Code of Conduct – September 2021

Additional Hours Worked – December 2020

Apologies for Absence – October 2020

Appointment of Non-Councillors - September 2023

Co-option Policy – September 2020

Complaints Procedure – September 2020

Community Engagement Policy

Equality and Diversity – October 2021

Grant Awarding – October 2020 and Grant Application Form

Health and Safety – December 2021

Investment Policy - February 2022

Publication Scheme – September 2020

Pre-application Meetings with Developers – June 2021

Remote Meetings Code of Conduct – September 2020

Reserves – December 2020

Risk management policy (to be reviewed) and Risk_Register – October 2022

Scheme of Delegation – May 2018

Safeguarding– October 2019

Social Media – June 2021

Training Policy – October 2020

Travel Expenses Policy – June 2020


If you wish to hire the playing field, please complete the application form

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Application form to hire the QEII Playing Field

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