Stoke Mandeville Parish Council
Allotments - Lower Road
Burial Ground - Swallow Lane
Devolved services - grass verge cutting in 30mph, footpath clearance, hedge enforcements etc.
Dog waste bins and litter bins in open spaces
HS2 - mitigation on behalf of the community
Open spaces - The Village Green
Play parks - Queen Elizabeth II Playing Field
Trees on parish council land
Stoke Mandeville Neighbourhood Plan - 20 year plan for infrastructure and housing
Street Lighting - The village and Stoke Leys wards
Buckinghamshire Council
Arts and culture
Care for children and families
Community centres
Community safety
Council tax collection
Environmental Health
Granting planning approval and building regulations
Housing advice
Licensing - taxis, alcohol, animals and takeaway
Public car parks/ parking permits
Recycling centres
Refuse collection - including those on highways
Registrar for births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships
Transport and roads - main route streetlights, highways and most rights of way, trees, potholes, on street
parking, gritting, road works, footpaths -
School transport
Senior citizen bus passes
Social housing
Some public green spaces
Trading standards
Waste disposal